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Caesar salad - Cezar salata

In Balkan we really love to eat meat. Maybe this is one of the main reasons why we've adopted so gladly CAESAR SALAD in our kitchen, calling it CEZAR SALATA. What is it so great about it? It's a one-meal-dish, it's simple to prepare, very light and also a healthier solution in a diet for "meat lovers". By the way, Wikipedia informs us that the creator was an italian cook, Cesare Cardini, who lived in the XX century between USA and Mexico. So thank you, Cesare. Here is the recipe for one of the most famous salads in the world :)


-3 slices of chicken breast

-3 slices of bread

-1 package of lettuce

-a few slices of bacon

-3 spoons of sour cream

-3 spoons of greek yogurt

-1 spoon of mayonnaise

-a half teaspoon of mustard

-a bit of lemon juice

-a pinch of salt and pepper

-a drizzle of olive oil


Wash the lettuce, then put it into a bowl and cut the pieces of bread into cubes. Do the same with the bacon, cutting it into strings, also with the chicken, to have slight larger pieces. Toast the bread cubes on the fire - medium heat - until they become nice and golden.

In another moment, fry the bacon until it's crispy. Do not clean the pen: use the bacon's fat to fry the chicken adding salt and pepper.

In a small bowl mix sour cream, greek yogurt and mayonnaise. Then add peper, lemon juice and a bit of mustard. Mix all well together.

Put all the ingredients in this order: - first, the lettuce, covered with a bit of olive oil; - second, put over the cubes of bread and the chicken strings; - third, put over the crispy bacon. - fourth, sprinkle all the salad with the dressing sauce. Enjoy!


Balkanci su u svetu uglavnom poznati po tome da preferiraju meso od ribe i morskih proizvoda.

Sigurno nije mnogo daleko od istine, pa se zato i Cezar salata brzo odomaćila u našoj kuhinji. Zašto nam se ova salata toliko dopada?

Pre svega sigurno zato što je Cezar salata jedinstveni obrok, veoma lagan, zdrav, a u isto vreme zadovoljava potrebu za mesom u ishrani. Ako niste znali, tvorac Cezar salate je italijanski kuvar, Cesare Cardini. :)

Potrebni sastojci:

-3 pileća filea -3 kriške hleba -1 glavica zelene salate - nekoliko kriški slanine -3 kašike kisele pavlake -3 kašike grčkog jogurta -1 kašika majoneza - pola kašičice senfa - malo soka od limuna - prstohvat soli i bibera - malo maslinovog ulja


Salatu iseckajte na trakice, pa potom iseckajte i hleb na kockice. Slaninu isto iseći na trakice, kao i piletinu. Blago propržiti hleb sa malo maslinovog ulja na umerenoj vatri - dok ne postanu hrskavi. Zatim propržite slaninu, pa u tom istom tiganju propržite piletinu, malo posoliti i pobiberiti. U manjoj posudi pomešati pavlaku, grčki jogurt i majonez. Dodati biber, limunov sok i malo senfa. Pomešajte sve dobro zajedno, dok se ne dobije dresing za salatu.

Poređajte sve sastojke u ovim redom: - Prvo stavite u tanjir salatu, preliti je sa malo maslinovog ulja; preko salate ređati kocke hleba i piletinu; pa preko staviti slaninu. Odozgo preliti salatu sa pripremljenim dresinogom i uživati. Prijatno!

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