Street-food: Churros - Ćuros

In Latin kitchens Churros are one of the most well known dessert, which belongs to the street-food: fried little sticks covered with sugar and cinnamon, or other sweet ingredients. For example in Argentina they are filled and covered with dulche de leche. In Balkan they are becoming slightly famous with some differences: our Ćuros have no butter and baking powder inside the dough, we use margarine instead and sunflower oil.
My special touch includes a delicate chocolate cream with orange flavor. Slurppp!
To make churros you need:
- 250ml water - a pinch of salt - 3 tea spoons sugar - 50g margarine - 200g flour - 2 eggs - 1 vanilla - 1 orange - 100g chocolate - a bit cinnamon
Put the water into a deep pot, add margarine, salt, sugar and stir until it's melt completely. When it starts to boil turn off the heat and add flour. Mix well until you form a ball of a dough.
Leave it for a few minutes until it's not that hot, after that add the eggs, one at the time. After adding the 1st egg the dough will fall apart (don't worry,it's suppose to happen) becoming sticky, but you just keep mixing until it's firm again. Repeat the same adding the 2nd egg. The result must be nice compact dough.
Fill the sac-a-poche with the dough and press down so there's no air inside of it. Put churros into a pan with oil, hot not boiling, and cut the rest with the scissors. Fry them until they're nice and golden. In the end put them into a mix of sugar and cinnamon.
For the chocolate cream: Put the milk into a small pot on a low fire. Add cinnamon, orange zest and chocolate. Stir nicely until you've left with beautiful chocolate cream. Serve churros with the orange cream you've made. Enjoy!

U latino kuhinji churros su jedan od najtipičnijih specijaliteta ulične hrane: prženi mali štapići pokriveni šećerom ili drugim slatkim sastojcima. Postoje razne varijante, npr. u Argentini su pune i prelivaju sa dulche de leche. Na Balkanu lagano postaju poznati slatkiš, iako postoje razlike u njihovoj izradi u odnosu na originalni recept: naš Ćluros se ne pravi od putera i ne dodaje se prašak za pecivo, mi koristimo margarin, i suncokretovo ulje za prženje.
Ja ih uvek pravim u kombinaciji sa mojim delikatnim čokoladnim kremom sa ukusom narandže. Ne može bolje od toga!! :)
Za ćuros vam je potrebno:
- 250ml vode - prstohvat soli - 3 kafene kašičice šećera - 50g margarin - 200g brašna - 2 jaja - 1 vanila - 1 pomorandža - 100g čokolade - Malo cimeta
Stavite vodu u duboku posudu, dodajte margarin, so, šećer i mešajte dok se ne istope potpuno. Kada počne da vri isključite vatru i dodajte brašno. Dobro promešajte dok se ne formira testo u obliku lopte. Ostavite ga nekoliko minuta sa strane da se prohladi, nakon toga dodati jaja, jedno po jedno. Posle dodavanja prvog jajeta testo će se raspasti (ne brinite, tako i treba da se dogodi) masa će postati lepljiva, ali samo nastavite da mešate sve dok ne bude opet čvrsta masa. Ponovite isti postupak sa preostalim jajima. Rezultat mora biti lepo kompaktno testo koje se ne lepi. Napunite špric ili kesu za šlag (sa vrhom u obliku zvezde) testom i pritisnite tako da nema vazduha unutar njega/nje. Istisnite jedan deo mase i kad postignete željenu dužinu ćurosa makazama odsecite i lagano položite u tiganj sa uljem. Ulje ne sme biti ni hladno ni vrelo, najbolje je pržiti na srednjoj vatri.
Nakon prženja stavite ih na ubrus kako bi upio višak ulja, a zatim ih uvaljajte u mešavinu šećera i cimeta. Za čokoladni krem: Stavite mleko da se zagreje na laganoj vatri. Dodajte cimet, izrendanu koricu narandže, čokoladu i lepo sjedinite sve.. Služiti Churros sa čoko-oranž kremom. Uživajte!

