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Russian salad - Ruska salata

Russian salad is for sure the most favorite salad in Balkan.

It has a mysterious and intriguing origin. The best story is about a Belgian cook named Lucien Olivier that created it in the kitchen of Hermitage restaurant in Moscow, open from 1864 to 1917. Since Olivier kept the recipe only for himself at the turn of the 20th century, one of Olivier's sous-chefs, Ivan Ivanov sneaked into Olivier's kitchen and stole the recipe of Olivier's dressing. Ivanov then left Olivier's kitchen and went to work as a chef in another restaurant, where he began to serve a suspiciously similar salad under the name "capital salad" (Russian: столичный, stolichny). The gourmands enjoyed it but, however, they thought that the dressing of Stolichny salad was a lower quality than Olivier's, meaning that it was "missing something." Later some editors took the recipe to publish it, giving us the opportunity to try to prepare it finally.

If you're curious to find out how to make the famous Russian salad read the recipe below.


-5 potatoes -5 carrots -4 slices chicken -3 eggs -5 or 6 pickles -1 can of green peas -1 sour cream -mayonnaise in the necessary quantity


Put potatoes, carrots and chicken into a pot with enough water. Let it cook until they are boiled, then take it out and let it cool off. Cut all the vegetables into cubes or small pieces. Put them into a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Put the eggs in a little pot and let it boil. When they are ready, cut them in little pieces and add them to the other vegetables. In the end add the green peas and mix all well with sour cream and mayonnaise. If you want, you can put also a bit of mustard to give some spicy taste. Enjoy!

Ruska salata je sigurno najomiljenija salata na Balkanu. Možda znate da ruska salata ima misteriozno i intrigantno poreklo. Najbolja priča je ona o Belgijskom kuvaru po imenu, Lucien Olivije, koji je osmislio rusku salatu u kuhinji restorana Ermitaž u Moskvi, otvoren od 1864. do 1917. Pošto je Olivije ljubomorno čuvao recept samo za sebe, na prelazu 20. veka jedan od Olivijeovih pomoćnih kuvara, Ivan Ivanov, ušunjao se u kuhinju i ukrao recept za Olivijeov dressing tj za preliv salate.. Ivanov je zatim otišao da radi kao kuvar u drugom restoranu, gde je počeo da služi sumnjivo sličnu salatu pod nazivom "prestonična salata" (ruski: stolichni, stoličnyi). Međutim preliv za Stolichni salat je bio nižeg kvaliteta nego Olivijeov, mnogi gurmani su je opisivali kao da joj "nešto nedostaje." Kasnije su neki urednici objavili recept u novinama, dajući nam priliku da se i mi oprobamo u njenoj pripremi. Ako ste radoznali da saznate kako možete da spremite čuvenu Rusku salatu pročitajte recept ispod.

Potrebno je:

-5 krompira -5 šargarepa -4 komada pilećeg filea -3 jajeta -min 6 kiselhi krastavaca -1 konzerva graška -min 1 pavlaka u čaši -min 200g majoneza


Stavite krompir, šargarepu i piletinu u lonac sa dovoljno vode. Ostavite da se kuva na laganoj vatri, a kad je gotovo, izvadite povrće i ostavite da se ohladi. Isecite povrće na kockice ili komadiće. Stavite ih u posudu i začiniti solju i biberom. Stavite jaja da se obare, pa ih nakon toga isecite na komadiće i dodajte u činiju sa drugim povrćem. Na kraju dodati obaren grašak i pomešati sve dobro sa pavlakom i majonezom. Ako želite, možete staviti i malo senfa kako biste salati dali pikantni ukus. Prijatno!

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