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Sacher torte - Saher torta

Sacher torte is one of the most famous Viennese culinary specialties, the chocolate cake created by Austrian Franz Sacher in 1832. This cake was invented for the pleasure of well known Prince Wenzel von Metternich, the ruler of European diplomacy in 19th century.

This sweet contains the main ingredients of continental patisserie: fruit jam, sugar, chocolate and of course butter and milk... that sounds very heavy! Instead, it has a great combination of fluffy sponge, sweet and sour apricot jam inside and rich dark chocolate ganache. My secret balkanic ingredients are sunflower oil, which gives to the chocolate ganache more brightness, and margarine instead of butter.

To make this beauty follow the recipe below.


For the sponge base:

- 6 eggs

-100g of sugar

-150g of flour

-1 baking powder

-1 spoon of water

-200g of dark chocolate

-140g of margarine

-80ml of sunflower oil

For the filling:

-200g apricot jam

For ganache:

-200g of dark chocolate

-1 tea spoon of sunflower oil

-20g of margarine

-50ml of cream


Crack the eggs, dividing the whites from yolks. Melt the chocolate with the margarine, and let it cool down a bit. Meanwhile,whip up the whites with the crystal sugar and beat to a stiff peak. Put in the melted chocolate egg yolks, sunflower oil, flour and baking powder, stir all nicely. Preheat the oven to 180 °C, and grease the tin with margarine. In the end add the whipped egg whites to the previous mix, put the sponge into the tin and bake for about 40-45 minutes.

Remove the cake and leave to cool off, and after that cut the sponge in two pieces. Put the first part on the plate, cover the sponge with apricot jam, and finally cover with the second part of the sponge. Press a bit to set up the cake.

For the ganache: break the chocolate into small pieces. Heat up the cream on stove and take it off before it starts boiling. Let it cool off a bit. Then add chocolate to it, a bit of margarine and a tea spoon of oil, stir all well.

Pour the ganache quickly over the center of the cake and immediately spread it out and smooth it over the surface, using a palate knife. Leave the cake to dry at room temperature, then put it for a few minutes in fridge.

Serve with a garnish of whipped cream. Enjoy!


Jedna od najpoznatijih čokoladnih torti na svetu je definitivno Saher torta, koju je izumeo austrijski kuvar Franz Sacher. Ono šta je manje poznato je da je napravljena 1832. godine po narudžbini Princa Venzel von Metternich-a u Beču. Po mom mišljenju ova torta ima sjajnu kombinaciju vazdušastog patišpanja, slatko- kiselog džema od kajsije unutar torte, i bogate glazure od tamne čokolade. Ako vam se dopada ova lepotica, i želite da naučita da je pravite, pratite recept ispod.


Za patišpanj: - 6 jaja -100g šećera -150g brašna -1 prašak za pecivo -1 kašika vode -200g tamne čokolade -140g margarina -80ml suncokretovog ulja

Za fil: -200g džema od kajsija

Za glazuru: -200g tamne čokolade -1 kašika suncokretovog ulja -20g margarina -50ml slatke pavlake


Razdvojite belanca od žumanaca. Istopiti čokoladu sa margarinom, i ostaviti da se ohladi malo.

U međuvremenu, umutiti mikserom belanca sa kristal šećerom, dok se ne dobije ulupan šne.

Sipati rastopljenu čokoladu u žumanca, dodati suncokretovo ulje, brašno i prašak za pecivo, i sve lepo promešati . Zagrejte rernu na 180 ° C, i podmažite pleh margarinom. Na kraju dodajte ulupana belanca, lagano mešajte spatulom (nikako žicom). Sipajte gotov patišpanj u pleh i pecite oko 40-45 minuta. Izvadite tortu i ostaviti da se ohladi, a nakon toga presecite patišpanj na dva dela. Stavite prvi deo patišpanja na tacnu, premažite džemom od kajsija, i na kraju prekrijte drugom polovinom patišpanja. Pritisnite malo od gore rukama. Za gazuru iseckajte na sitno ili narendajte čokoladu. Zagrejte slatku pavlaku i skinite je sa šporeta pre nego što počne da vri. Ostavite je da se prohladi malo. Zatim dodajte čokoladu, malo margarina i kašiku ulja, promešajte sve dobro. Sipajte glazuru brzo, prelivajući isključivo centar torte. Zatim odmah premazati spatulom ivice, ostavljajući površinu glatkom. Stavite tortu na pola sata u frižider. Servirati uz dodatak slatke pavlake ili šlaga. Prijatno!

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