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Chocolate cups with raspberries - Čokoladne korpice sa malinama

In my opinion the best combination ever in one sweet is a dark chocolate + raspberries!!

This dessert is something I love to prepare even if I'm not in the mood for baking.

I was tired, but at the same time I wanted to make something sweet without making my own dough.

I noticed there is still a package of a puff pasty in my fridge, so I've decided to use it as the base of my cups. The result was pretty nice, crunchy and it goes well with the rich chocolate cream and freshness of the raspberries. Yummm!

Here is what is necessary:

-150g of dark chocolate

-300g of raspberries

-1 package of puff pastry

-a bit of milk

-an egg


Extend the puff pastry, and make circles using a glass. Then put a half of the circles in the pan, and from the other half of the circles take out the middle part, using a smaller glass. In the end put the little circles over the larger ones . Gently press with your fingers on the edges.

Cover the pasty with a beaten egg, and fork it in the middle, so it will not grow that much (only small circles has to puff). Bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 20 minutes.

Melt the chocolate with a bit of milk, once it's done leave it a bit aside to cool down. Just a few minutes.

Put the chocolate in center of the puff pastry cups. Place the raspberries on top.

You can sprinkle them also with icing sugar. Enjoy!


Najbolja kombinacija ikada u jednoj poslastici po mom mišljenju je tamna čokolada + maline!! Ovaj dezert volim da spremam čak i kad nisam baš raspoložena da mesim testo. ;)

Nastao je jer sam bila dosta umorna, a u isto vreme sam imala želju za nečim slatkim...S obzirom da mi je ostalo pakovanje lisnatog testa u frižideru odlučila sam da ga iskoristim za bazu korpica, umesto da pravim testo kao i uvek.

Ono šta mi se posebno dopalo je što štedi vreme, a dobije se sličan ukus. Rezultat je hrskava korpica puna čokoladnog fila, i svežina malina u jednom zalogaju. Njammm!

Isprobajte, uveravam vas, da nećete zažaliti! ;)

Evo šta je potrebno:

-150g tamne čokolade -300g malina -1 paket od lisnatog testa - malo mleka - 1 jaje


Razvucite oklagijom lisnato testo, pa zatim čašom vadite krugove. Staviti polovinu krugova u tiganj, a od ostalih krugova manjom čašom vaditi sredinu. Tako dobijene prstenove postaviti preko krugova, pa nežno pritisnite prstima ivice.

Premazati tako dobijene korpice sa jajetom, izbuškati viljuškom sredinu kruga, tako da ne rastu puno tokom pečenja. Samo prstenovi od gore trebaju da rastu.

Peći u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 ° C oko 20 minuta. Istopiti čokoladu sa malo mleka, pa nakon toga ostaviti da se prohladi koji minut. Stavite čokoladu u sredinu korpica, a odgore poređati maline. Možete ih posuti i šećerom u prahu. Prijatno!

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