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New Year's reindeers - Novogodišnji irvasi

Even though I'm a summer kid, the winter holidays were always my favorite part of the year!! :)

December is the month when we all gather with our families and friends, time of joy and happiness. Sometimes it's followed even by the first snow... That is a magical moment when we enjoy drinking mulled wine with cinnamon and when the house smells like freshly made gingerbread cookies.

Since this is a very special time for me, it deserves a special kind of menu, too! In this case, a special dessert :) If you like how these reindeers look like - and you want to prepare them for your family and friends - stay tuned to see the recipe!

For the muffins it's necessary:

-200g of a dark chocolate

-100g of icing sugar

-2 eggs + 2 egg yolks

-100g of margarine or butter

-50g of flour

-a half spoon of the baking powder

For decoration:



-white fondant

-a few bars of a dark chocolate

-to create the eyes of the reindeers, in this case I've used plastic buttons because of lack of time; but you can make them using white fondant and chocolate on top of it.


Melt the chocolate with the margarine, and leave it aside to cool down a bit. Crack the eggs in a big bowl, then add the egg yolks and whisk them. After that add chocolate and sugar to stir all the ingredients well. Then add flour and baking powder, mix all to create a muffin dough. Put the dough into the silicone muffin tray and bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes on 210 degrees. When they are done, let them cool nicely before decorating them.

Decoration: Take the cooled muffins and put over them melted chocolate. After that add the pretzels to create the horns, a little ball of white fondant to create the mouth and one m&m's to create the nose. With the rest of the fondant, create small circles for the eyes and put a bit of chocolate or pieces of black pepper for the eye pupils. And you're done! :)



Uprkos činjenici da sam letnje dete, za mene je decembar definitvno najlepši deo godine. :)

To je period kad smo svi na okupu sa svojim porodicama i prijateljima, period radosti i veselja, a ponekad i prvih zimskih pahulja...vreme kad se grejemo uz kuvano vino, kad kuća zamiriše na tek ispečene medenjake sa cimetom, ma milina jedna!! A da ne govorim o proslavama, koje se kao perle nizu, jedna za darivanje poklona koje smo sa toliko pažnje birali jedni za druge. :)

E, po meni takvi specijalni praznici zaslužuju i specijani dezert, tj. u ovom slučaju Novogodišnje Rudolfe koje sam sa mnogo ljubavi i pažnje spremila za moje najmilije :))

Za mafine je potrebno:

-200g tamne čokolade

-100g šećera u prahu

-2 jajeta + 2 žumanca

-100g putera ili margarina

-50g brašna

- pola kesice praška za pecivo

Za dekoraciju:


-m&m's čokoladice

-beli fondan

-nekoliko redova tamne čokolade

-U ovom slučaju sam koristila plastične oči, zbog nedostatka vremena, ali možete da ih napravite isto od belog fondana, pa onda čokoladom napraviti zenice.


Istopiti čokoladu sa margarinom, i ostaviti je sa strane da se ohladi malo. Umutiti jaja sa žumanacima, dodajte čokoladu, šećer i promešajte sve sastojke dobro.

Zatim dodati brašno i prašak za pecivo, mešati sve dok se ne dobije ujednačena masa.

Sipati smesu u silikonski kalup za mafine i peći u zagrejanoj rerni 10 minuta na 210 stepeni.

Gotove mafine izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti sa strane da se dobro ohlade pre ukrašavanja.

Ohlađene mafine prekriti otopljenom čokoladu od gore. Zatim dodati perece da biste napravili rogove, beli fondant za usta i m&m's za nos. Sa ostatkom fondana napravite male krugove za oči i stavite malo čokolade ili zrna crnog bibera za oči. I to je sve! :)

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