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Cheese crackers - Krekeri sa sirom

Hello everyone!! I want to thank you all for your patience, comments, love and support which I receive every day. That's why I will try to post recipes more often. <3

I'm finally back home from a long holiday in my birth town. It was so nice to spend some time with my family and friends, but now I must get back to writing and cooking, as I've promised. :)

The first recipe I really enjoyed making in the previous year was Cheese Crackers. As you can see in the pictures I've made them in various shapes connected to Christmas, but you can invent forms you like the most. In the end, whatever, you will discover how crunchy they are at the beginning and how they melt in your mouth, after. Yummy!!

It's common to eat a lot of cheese all over Balkan and that's why people has created various recipes with this ingredient as the main one.

This recipe allows you to use feta or any other type of soft cheese, so you can pick what you have or prefer, depending on your taste.

Let's get started!!

It's necessary:

-250g of fresh cheese

-250g of margarine

-2 eggs

-1 tea spoon of salt

-500g of flour

-sesame seeds or flax seeds


Mix cheese with one whole egg, and 1 egg yolk, then add salt and chopped softened margarine. Put flour a bit by bit and make a compact dough.

Wrap the dough in a foil and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight. Roll out the dough on a floured surface 7-8mm thick and pull out the crackers with the mold.

Knead the remaining pieces of the dough and repeat the same until you use all the dough.

Now you are ready to put the crackers on a tray with a baking sheet.

Whisk remaining egg white with a pinch of salt and pass it over crackers. After that, sprinkle them with sesame and flax seeds.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. After 10 minutes of baking, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake until they are not completely done. Enjoy!


Pozdrav svima!! Želim da vam se zahvalim na strpljenju, vašim komentarima i podršci koje dobijam svakog dana. Zato ću pokušati da postavljam postove mnogo češće i uzvratim istom merom. <3 Konačno sam se vratila kući sa dugog odmora u mom rodnom gradu. Bilo je tako lepo provesti neko vreme sa svojom porodicom i prijateljima, ali sada moram da se vratim u pisanju i kuvanju.:) Jedan od recepata koji sam uživala da spremam u prethodnoj godini bili su Pogačice sa sirom, koje se prosto tope u ustima...i kao minimum se pravi dupla količina. :) Za ove pogačice možete koristiti feta sir ili bilo koju drugu vrstu mekog sira, zavisi od vašeg ukusa. Hajde da počnemo!!

Potrebno je:

-250g sira

-250g margarina

-2 jajeta

-1 kašičica soli

-500g brašna

-po želji susama i semenki lana


Sir pomešati sa 1 celim jajetom i 1 žumancetom, posoliti. Zatim dodati naseckan omekšao margarin, brašno i umestiti kompaktno testo. Testo zaviti u foliju i ostaviti nekoliko sati u frižideru, a najbolje je ostaviti ga preko noci. Testo razvaljati na pobrašnjenoj površinini na debljinu od 7-8 milimetara, pa modlicama vaditi pogačice i ređati u pleh. Od ostatka testa opet napraviti loptu, razvući ga i ponavljati isti postupak dok se ne potroši testo. Pogačice ređati na pleh koji je obložen sa papirom za pečenje. Preostalo belance umutiti sa malo soli pa njime premazati pogačice. Od gore posuti susamom i lanenim semenom. Peći u rerni zagrejanoj na 200C. Nakon par minuta pečenja smanjiti na 180C i peći dok pogačice ne budu skroz rumene. Prijatno!

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