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Mini carrot cakes - Mini torte od šargarepe

At the beginning I wasn't that crazy for Carrot cake, when it seamed like everyone was ordering it wherever I went.

As the time was passing by, and I've eaten it in a few more occasions, I started to like its taste and the combination of carrots with cinnamon.

Of course, I wouldn't be me if I haven't added a few more ingredients to make my own "cup of tea" :)

I tried adding an orange and a nutmeg, to have a brighter color and more flavor. In fact, they give to this cake a bit more freshness and a little twist, because of the orange zest.

Saying no more, let's proceed with the recipe! ;)

Anyway, I've posted this recipe to participate in this month's game "Wow, how many of us", hosted by Milica Livaja from the blog "Cakes - Menus Plaisirs". She has chosen exactly an orange as the main ingredient. Hope you all will like it.

For these cakes it's necessary:

- 175ml of sunflower oil

- 175g of brown sugar

- 3 eggs

- 175g of grated carrots

- 60g finely chopped walnuts

- 1 grated orange zest

- 175g of flour

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda

- 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

- a half of teaspoon of nutmeg

- the juice of 1 orange

For the cheese filling you need:

- 200g of cream cheese

- 100g of icing sugar

- a bit of cinnamon

- a little bit of orange juice


Sift the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and pour them into a deep bowl. Then grate the carrots and put them into an another bowl. Add oil, sugar and eggs to the carrots, mix all well. After that add the finely chopped nuts, grated orange zest, orange juice and cinnamon. Finally slowly pour the dry ingredients into a bowl with carrots and eggs, mix until you create a uniform mixture.

Grease the baking pan, covered with the baking sheet, then pour the entire mixture. Flatten the cake and bake it in a preheated oven at 200C about 40-45 min. When it's done leave the cake aside to cool down.

Mix the cream cheese with the powdered sugar, then add the orange juice, cinnamon and grated orange zest. Coat mini cakes with filling of cheese and enjoy!


U početku kada se tek pojavila nisam bila toliko "luda" za Tortom od šargarepe... mada se činilo kao da je svi oko mene poručuju, gde god sam išla, i hvale na sva usta. Mene nešto nije privlačila... Međutim, kako je vreme odmicalo, probala sam je nekoliko puta i počeo je da mi se dopada njen delikatan ukus i kombinacija šargarepe i cimeta. Naravno da ja ne bih bila JA, ako ne bih nešto dodala ili izmenila, pa da recept bude kako kažu "baš po mojoj meri." :) U mojoj verziji se dodaje muskatni oraščić i narandžin sok. Ali ipak ono što mi se najviše sviđa kod ovog deserta je svežina koju mu daje narendana korica narandže. Iskreno, ja ne bih više zborila. Hajde da se bacimo na delo! ;)

Inače, da postavim ovaj recept me je inspirisala ovomesečna domaćica kulinarske igre "Ajme, koliko nas je", Milica Livaja sa bloga " Kolači – Menus Plaisirs " koja je odabrala kao glavnu namirnicu- upravo narandžu. :)

Potrebni sastojci za tortice su:

- 175ml suncokretovog ulja

- 175g žutog šećera

- 3 jajeta

- 175g narendane šargarepe

- 60g sitno seckanih oraha

- 1 narendana korica narandže

- 175g brašna bez glutena

- 1 kašičica soda bikarbone

- 1 kašičica cimeta

- 1/2 kašičice muskatnog oraha

- sok od 1 narandže

Za fil od sira potrebno je:

- 200g krem sira

- 100g šećera u prahu

- malo cimeta

- malo soka od narandže


Prosejati brašno, sodu bikarbonu, cimet i muškatni oraščić i sipati u duboku posudu. Zatim narendati šargarepu i staviti je u drugu činiju. Dodati joj ulje, šećer i jaja, narandžin sok, pa sve lepo sjediniti. Na kraju dodati sitno seckane orahe, narendanu koricu narandže i malo cimeta. U činiju sa šargarepom i jajima lagano dodavati suve sastojke, mešati dok se ne dobije ujednačena smesa. Podmazati pleh, obložiti ga papirom za pečenje, sipati preko celu smesu. Poravnati i peći u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 40-45 min. Kad su pečene ostaviti tortice sa strane da se dobro ohlade. Pomešati krem sir sa prah šećerom, pa dodati sok od narandže, malo cimeta i narendanu koricu narandže. Premazati Mini tortice sa filom od sira, ili ih napuniti špricem. Prijatno!

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