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Chocolate mousse cheesecake with Nutella topping - Čokoladni čizkejk sa Nutelom

For those who know me well, it's no surprise that I loooooove cheesecake! :)

My favorite is definitely the one with red berry topping, but also the most dangerous: I risk to finish the whole cake just in one day.

Since I'm also a chocolate lover I had to find enough attractive cheese cake to make me forget about berries, even just for a while.

I've found a solution in the chocolate mousse filling and Nutella topping - too good to be true! Believe it or not it's light and delicious at the same time.

How about your favorite cheesecake choice? Interested in mine?

In that case read this recipe and get busy ;)

For the base of the cheesecake It's necessary: - 125g of margarine - 250g of minced biscuits - a bit of orange juice - 100g of ground hazelnuts For the cheese filling you need: - 150g of cream cheese - 300ml of whipped cream - 200g of milk chocolate - 1 gelatin - a bit of sugar if you want ( not necessary) For Nutella topping you need: - 6 tablespoons of Nutella

- 2 teaspoons of Coco powder - 6 tablespoons of warm milk For the decoration it's necessary: - 1 package of Giotto or Ferrero Rocher - a bit of whipped cream - a bit of granola hazelnut


Leave the margarine at a room temperature to soften, and after whisk it slowly with a spatula.

Pour ground biscuits and ground nuts in a bowl with the margarine, periodically add orange juice and mix until it's formed an uniform mixture (not sticky, not too hard, but easy to spread).

Then put the dough into the pan (I used a baking pan of 30cm in diameter) coated previously with a baking sheet, and stretch it with your hands covering the entire bottom. Leave it for a few minutes in the refrigerator to set.

Whisk the cream, you can add a little sugar if you want to. Melt the milk chocolate on the steam, and let it cool down completely. In the end, pour it carefully into the bowl with whipped cream.

Put also the cream cheese, and stir all well, from the bottom to the top, creating the mousse.

I've added one gelatin, but this step is not necessary.

Put the mousse over the base, make it even and put it back in the refrigerator.

Heat a little bit of milk on a medium fire. Put 6 tablespoons of Nutella with coco powder in another bowl, then gradually add the milk and stir until you get a mixture similar to molten chocolate. Let it cool down a bit, for few minutes and finally pour it over the mousse. Quickly and carefully stretch Nutella, while it's still warm. Place the cake in the refrigerator, leave it overnight.

The next day, remove the cake from the refrigerator and decorate as you desire. Enjoy!


Ko god me dobro poznaje zna da obooooožavam čizkejk!

Moj omiljeni je sigurno onaj sa topingom od šumskog voća...pored voća veliki sam ljubitelj čokolade, a moj muž Nutele... Iz tog razloga s vremena na vreme pravim čizkejk sa musom od mlečne čokolade i topingom od Nutele.

Kako vam se čini ova kombinacija? :)

Evo recepta >

Za bazu od čizkejka potrebno je:

- 125g margarina

- 250g mlevenog plazma keksa

- po potrebi sok od narandže

- 100g mlevenih lesnika

Za fil od sira potrebno je:

- 150g krem sira

- 300ml slatke pavlake

- 200g mlečne čokolade

- 1 želatin

- po želji šećera

Za toping od Nutele potrebno je:

- 6 kašika nutele

- 2 kašike kakaa u prahu

- 6 kašika toplog mleka

Za dekoraciju potrebno je:

- 1pakovanje Giotto ili Fererro kuglica

- malo umućene slatke pavlake

- po želji granola od lešnika


Margarin ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi da odmekne, pa ga lagano umutiti varjačom. Sipati mleveni keks i mlevene lešnike u sud sa margarinom, povremeno dodavati sok od narandže i mešati dok se ne dobije ujednačena smesa (ne sme biti lepljiva, ni previše tvrda, već laka za oblikovanje).

Dobijeno testo prebaciti u pleh (ja sam koristila pleh prečnika 30cm) obložen paprirom za pečenje, pa rukama razvući tako da pokrije celo dno. Ostaviti na par minuta i frižideru da se stegne.

Umutiti pavlaku, možete dodati malo šećera ako želite. Istopite mlečnu čokoladu na pari, pa je ostavite da se ohladi u potpunosti. Na kraju, sipati istopljenu čokoladu pažljivo u posudu sa šlagom. Dodati i krem sir, i mešati sve pažljivo spatulom od dna posude ka gore, formirajući mus od čokolade. Ja sam dodala i jedan želatin rastopljen sa par kašika vode, ali ovaj korak nije neophodan. Staviti čokoladni mus preko baze, pa je opet vratite u frižider da se stegne.

Zagrejati malo mleka. U jednu činiju sipati 6 kašika Nutele sa kakaom, pa postepeno dodavati mleko i mešati sve dok se ne dobije smesa slična istopljenoj čokoladi.

Malo prohladiti toping od Nutele, pa ga sipati preko fila od sira. Brzo i pažljivo razvući Nutelu, dok je još topla. Vratiti tortu u frižider, ostaviti je preko noći.Sutradan izvaditi tortu iz frižidera i ukrasiti po želji. Prijatno!

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