Chicken in pomegranate sauce - Piletina u sosu od nara

Until a few days ago I've had a wonderful time with my parents, walking around through the streets of the eternal city. They came to visit us and stayed for a couple of days, that made me really happy. :)
After this little "Roman holiday" I'm free to write down a few posts and share them with you, guys.
The first of so many recipes is Chicken in pomegranate sauce, nice and juicy meat served next to the white rice. Maybe it sounds strange, but I assure you, that it tastes great.
You are now wondering how on Earth did it occur to me to make such a dish? Haha
The answer is simple: because my mother in law has a pomegranate tree in her garden, and we had a house flooded with pomegranates. True story. :)
That's why I've decided to experiment a little, using this wonderful fruit in kitchen. It's logical, right? :)
This meal has a bit of oriental taste too, because I've added a bit of soy sauce and a bit of grated ginger and chopped chilly to balance all the flavors.
What I especially love about this meal is that the chicken is very moist and it combines well with sourness of the pomegranate and the soy sauce.
If you like to experiment in kitchen like me, give this recipe a shot and let me know what you think of it. :)
It's necessary:
- 500g of chicken white meat
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- black pepper to taste
- 2 tsp of turmeric powder
- a little bit of grated ginger
- 1 head of chopped shallot
- 200ml of pomegranate juice
- a little bit of chopped chilly
- a dollop of honey
- a drizzle of olive oil
- 2 cups of white rice
Cut chicken into strips, add pepper to taste. Fry a bit the shallot with a drizzle of oil in a wok, then add turmeric powder, grated ginger, chilly and after a few minutes add the chicken strips.
When the meat is beginning to get golden, pour over it the soy sauce, and immediately afterwards add the half of the pomegranate juice. Allow to cook nicely, and finally add the remaining pomegranate juice. Leave it on a low heat for a couple of minutes to finish cooking. When it's done, serve it with rice which you've previously prepared.

Znam da sam bila odsutna neko vreme, mogu reći potpuno opravdano, jer sam imala najlepši mogući razlog za to. :) Do pre nekoliko dana sam uživala u divnim trenucima provedenim u društvu mojih roditelja, šetajući ulicama večnog grada. Došli su da posetite mene i mog muža, i ostali sa nama nekoliko dana. :) Nakon malog "praznika u Rimu" :) konačno mogu da se posvetim ponovo blogu i receptima koje sam pripremala u ovom periodu, koje jedva čekam da podelim sa vama!!! Prvi od mnogih recepata je Piletina u sosu od nara. Možda vam zvuči čudno, ali uveravam vas da je ukus odličan. Pitate se kako mi je samo palo na pamet da napravim ovakvo jelo?
Odgovor je jednostavan: s obzirom da moja svekrva ima drvo nara u bašti imali smo kuću preplavljenu njime. Zato sam odlučila da malo eksperimentišem koristeći ovo divno voće.
Logično zar ne? :) Prisutna je i pokoja orijentalna nota, jer sam dodala i malo soja sosa, rendanog đumbira i iseckanu ljutu papričicu da bih izbalansirala sve ukuse.
Ako želite da se okušate u nečem novom poput mene, ovaj recept je idealna prilika za to.
Potrebno je:
- 500g pileceg belog mesa
- 2 kašike soja sosa
- po ukusu bibera
- 2 kašičice kurkume u prahu
- malo rendanog đumbira
- 1 glavica seckanog vlašca
- 200ml soka od nara
- malo ljute papričice
- pola kašičice meda
- malo ulja
Piletinu iseći na trakice, pobiberiti po ukusu. U tiganju propržiti na ulju luk, dodati kurkumu, narendani đumbir, ljutu papričicu, pa nakon par minuta dodati i piletinu. Kad je meso počelo da rumeni sipati soja sos, pa odmah nakon toga i sok od nara (oko pola čaše od 2 dl).
Ostaviti da se lepo ukrčka, pa dodati ostatak soka od nara.
Poklopiti i ostaviti na tihoj vatri da se lepo ukrčka. Kad je gotovo, služiti sa pirinčem koji ste predhodno obarilii. Prijatno!