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Strawberry galette - Galeta sa jagodama

This is for sure an ideal recipe, and a way how to use spring strawberries that are in season now!!

It's been a while since I've prepared galette in my kitchen, and I had to do something about it. ;)

It is not an easy recipe to make, but it will please all of your senses...It's up to you to decide if you will spend some more time making the dough or you'll buy it in a store.

If you decide to try and prepare this amazing galette here's what you need to know first:

It is better to prepare the dough the day before, but if you do not have time you can do it in the morning and then, after an hour and so you can make the galette.

It's necessary to use cold water, and butter or margarine straight from the fridge.

When you are stretching the dough put a bit of flour or a kitchen paper to avoid the stickiness.

After these additional instructions here are the ingredients for Strawberry galette:

- 200g of flour

- 100g of butter or margarine

- a few spoons of crystal sugar

- a few spoons of cold water

- a pinch of salt

- 250/300g of strawberries

- icing sugar

- 1 egg


Put the flour in a bowl, then take the butter or margarine from fridge and cut it in small pieces.

Start mixing and blending them with your fingers, and then continue adding cold water, a bit of salt until you form a dough. It shouldn't be sticky nor very dense (it must have an elasticity too).

Put the dough in transparent foil and place in fridge for an hour approximately.

After that time take the dough from fridge, sprinkle with flour and stand it using a rolling pin.

It should be as thin and as width as possible.

Cut the strawberries and place them in the center of the dough, leaving enough space around the fruit to fold the ends toward the center. Press a bit the edges and then sprinkle the fruit with a bit of crystal sugar if you want.

Coat the dough with an egg and then bake in the preheated oven on 200C until it's nice and golden from both sides. Enjoy!

*Of course you can make this galette using any fruit you want, it also goes very well with raspberries, blueberries, apples, plums...


Ovo je zasigurno idealan recept i način kako da se iskoriste prolećne jagode!! Prošlo je dosta vremena od kada sam poslednji put pravila galetu sa voćem, pa sam morala da uradim nešto povodom toga. ;) Iskreno, nije mnogo lako napraviti ovaj recept, ali vas uveravam da će zadovoljiti sva vaša čula ... na vama je da odlučite da li ćete provesti neko vreme u kuhinji ili ne.

Ako se odlučite da probate da pripremite ovu neverovatnu poslasticu evo šta treba da znate pre svega: Bolje je da se testo pripremi dan ranije, ali ako nemate vremena možete to učiniti ujutru, a onda, nakon sat vremena možete napraviti galetu. Neophodno je da koristite hladnu vodu, i maslac ili margarin direktno iz frižidera. Kada razvijate testo stavite malo brašna ili kuhinjski papir preko njega da se ne bi lepilo za sto.

Nakon ovih dodatna uputstva, evo potrebnih sastojaka: - 200g brašna - 100g putera ili margarina - nekoliko kašika kristal šećera - nekoliko kašika hladne vode - prstohvat soli - 250 / 300g jagoda - šećer u prahu - 1 jaje Priprema: Stavite brašno u činiju, zatim izvadite i iseckajte na komadiće puter ili margarin . Počnite da spajate brašno i puter/margarin prstima, a zatim nastavite uz dodatak hladne vode, i malo soli sve dok se ne formira testo. To ne bi trebalo da bude ni lepljiva niti vrlo gusta smesa (mora imati elastičnost). Stavite testo u providnu foliju i ostavite ga u frižider na sat vremena otprilike. Nakon tog vremena uzeti testo iz frižidera, pospite ga brašnom i razvite ga oklagijom. Treba da bude što tanje i što šire moguće. Isecite jagode i stavite ih na sredinu testa, ostavljajući dovoljno prostora oko voća, pa na kraju savijte krajeve prema centru. Pritisnite malo ivice, a zatim pospite voće sa malo kristal šećera, ako želite. Premažite testo jajetom, a zatim pecite u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C dok ne bude lepo i rumeno sa obe strane. Prijatno! * Naravno, možete praviti ovu galetu i sa drugim voćem,, takođe jako lepo ide sa malinama, borovnicama, jabukama, šljivama ...

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