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Mini bread fritters - Mini prženice

Hello everyone! Here is one super fast and tasty recipe for breakfast - Mini bread fritters made with an old baguette.

This dish is traditional and very common all over Balkan, and therefore it has a lot of different names, such as Moče, Prženice, Profezne, Zavijače, Popečci and so on.

There is a difference between French toast and Prženice/Moče, because French toast is always served as a sweet breakfast, usually with fresh fruit and honey or butter; on the other hand Prženice/Moče is always served as salty breakfast with kajmak, ajvar, prsuta (similar to Italian speck) and yogurt.

Anyway, the process of making is the same.

This is what you need for Prženice/Moče:

- a half loaf of old baguette

- 3 eggs

- a pinch of salt

- a small cup of milk

- sunflower oil


Cut baguette in small pieces. After that crack the eggs, add salt, milk and stir everything with the wire. Put the sunflower oil to heat in a frying pan on a medium heat.

Put the pieces of bread into the bowl, make it soak nicely for a few seconds in the mixture and then fry them.

When they start getting golden color they are done, so you can take them out and place on a kitchen paper to get rid of the grease.

After it they are ready to be served, better to eat them while they are still warm, but also cold ones are good too. Enjoy!


Pozdrav svima! Za danas sam pripremila brz i jednostavan recept za Moče/ Prženice/ Profezne i to u mini izdanju. :)

Ovo je istovremeno zanimljiv način da se napravi degustacioni meni od starog bageta. Ako volite ovakve specijalitete, evo recepta.

Potrebno je:

- pola vekne bageta koji vam je preostao od jučerašnjeg dana

- 3 jajeta

- malo soli

- 1 šoljica mleka

- ulje za prženje


Isecite baget na parčad. Nakon toga ulupajte jaja, posolite po ukusu, sipajte mleko i promešajte sve žicom. Sipajte suncokretovo ulje u tiganj i ostavite da se dobro zagreje. Stavite komade hljeba u posudu, okrenite ga sa obe strane da lepo upije smesu na nekoliko sekundi i zatim ih pržite dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju. Izvadite ih i položite na kuhinjski ubrus, kako bi upio višak ulja, a zatim služite uz jogurt i priloge po želji. Prijatno!

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