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Corn flour cheese pies - Proja sa sirom

If you have ever traveled on the territory of ex Yugoslavia, you have probably tried Proja. Proja - or corn flour cheese pie - is one of the most famous traditional food all over Balkan.

Nowadays it is usually served as an appetizer with prosciutto, kajmak, ajvar and various salads, but in the past (mostly before the 1950s) it has been known as "the bread of the poor people".

At that time the white flour was really expensive, so people had to invent something to substitute it. It's incredible how the best food is actually so called "poor people's food" - while we're eating this kind of meals they give us that well known warm comfort feeling.

As you know I like to experiment in my kitchen, and to try different dishes, but when I want to prepare something good for my family or friends I always return to simple and tasty traditional recipes. It's the only one that I can call "soul food".

Well, Proja is one of those comfy and delicious meals that will please your appetite and make you feel happy when you eat it.

Check out down below how to make it! :)

The Ingredients: -3 eggs -300g of cheese -1 cup ( 2dl) of sunflower oil -1 cup of yogurt -10g of salt -1 cup of milk -1 cup of white flour -2 cups of corn flour -1 baking powder - sesame seeds

- flax seeds


Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, then add salt, milk, yogurt and mix it well. In the end put the sunflower oil and mix it with the rest.

Mash the cheese with the fork, but not too much, because you need some chunks of cheese that will give more texture. Add this cheese into the bowl and stir it slowly until it's compact. Now add white flour, then the baking powder. After it, it's time to add the corn flour and stir everything nicely.

Put the mixture into the tray and spreed it well to every corner until it's even. As the last thing, you can add some sesame and flax seeds.

Put it in the preheated oven on 200 degrees and bake until it's nice and golden. Enjoy!


Ako ste ikada putovali na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije u tom slučaju ste sigurno probali Proju.

Proja je najpoznatije tradicionalno predjelo širom Balkana. Danas se obično služi kao predjelo sa pršutom, kajmakom, ajvarom i raznim salatama, ali u prošlosti (uglavnom govorimo o vremenu pre 1950.) proja je bila poznata kao "hleb siromašnih" Glavni razlog za to je zato što je belo brašno bilo veoma skupo i teško dostuno, pa je narod morao da mu nadje zamenu.

Neverovatna je i nepobediva činjenica da je najbolja hrana zapravo takozvana "siromašna hrana ili jednostavna jela", od samo par sastojaka - dok jedemo ovu vrstu jela obuzima nas osećaj komfora i udobnosti. Kao što znate ja volim da eksperimentišem u kuhinji, i da isprobavam raznovrsna jela, ali kad hoću da pripremim nešto dobro za svoju porodicu ili prijatelje uvek se vraćam jednostavnim i ukusnim taditionalnim receptima. To su jedina jela koja mogu poneti titulu "hrane za dušu" po mom mišljenju. Proja je upravo jedno od tih specijaliteta koji će zadovoljiti svačiji apetit. :)

Pogledajte dole kako je možete napraviti

Sastojci: -3 jajeta -300g sira -1 šolja (2dl) suncokretovog ulja -1 čaša jogurta -10g soli -1 šolja mleka -1 šolja belog brašna -2 šolje kukuruznog brašna (palente) -1 prašak za pecivo - po želji susama - po želji lanenog semena

Priprema: U dubljem sudu razbiti jaja, pa dodati so, mleko, jogurt i dobro promešati. Na kraju sipati ulje od suncokreta i sve sjediniti žicom. Izgnječiti sir viljuškom, ali ne previše, nek ostane neki komadić sira radi teksture. Zatim dodati sir u posudu sa jajima, mlekom, jogurtom i suncokretovim uljem.

Prvo dodajte belo brašno, a zatim prašak za pecivo. Na kraju sipajte i kukuruzno brašno i lepo promešajte sve. Stavite smesu u pleh ili kalupe za mafine, pospite semenkama po želji i pecite u zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni dok ne dobije lepu rumenu boju.

Služiti uz jogurt, kajmak i suhomesnato po želji. Prijatno!

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