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Grandma's pie - Bakin "žuti kolač"

Today's recipe is very special, because it reminds me of my grandma and brings me back to my childhood too. I remember when my granny made this pie, usually a cherry pie when my family came to visit her in the countryside.

As soon as we enter her house we could smell the freshly baked pie and vanilla icing sugar, which has covered it in a thick white snow... it was so irresistible that everyone couldn't wait for lunch to be done and finally grab a piece or two. Ah, good old days! :)

This is the reason why I wanted to share with you this recipe, I think that the best ones are connected with our memories and deserve to be saved from oblivion.

What I especially love about this pie is that it can be prepared with all sorts of fruit, and every single time is comes out as a success. And yes, it stays fresh and moist inside a couple of days. Isn't it great? Aren't grandma's recipes the best? :)

As you can see in the picture above I've made it with strawberries and also one time with cherries ( as it's in the original recipe) because now it's strawberry season and I wanted to make it before the cherries mature. Let me know in the comment bellow which is your favorite combo.

To make this wonderful pie it's necessary:

- 5 eggs

- 1 cup sugar * 200ml

- 1 cup sunflower oil

- 1 cup yogurt

- 1package of baking powder

- 2 cups of flour

- 1package of vanilla sugar

- 500g of cherries or other fruit you prefer

- a bit of icing sugar


Separate egg yolk from egg whites, and then start whipping egg whites. Keep beating them on high speed. Once you start making whipped egg whites, continue straight through and finish it off. Do not stop halfway to take a break. Gradually add sugar and mix it until it has a stiff peaks.

The meringue is done when it is not runny and when you can hold a spoonful of it upside down and none of it drops off.

After that, beat the egg yolks in another bowl with yogurt and vanilla. Mix it on a medium speed for a few minutes and then finally put flour an baking powder. Stir the mix nicely.

In the end add the mixture of egg yolks to the bowl with meringue, mix all with the spatula and pour in the baking tray previously sprayed with oil and sprinkled with a bit of flour.

Make it even and then place the cherries on the top and bake in a preheated oven on 200 degrees for about 20 minutes, until it has nice golden color. When it's done sprinkle it with icing sugar. Enjoy!!


Današnji recept ima posebno mesto u mom srcu, jer me podseća na moju baku i na bezbrižno detinjstvo. Sećam se da je baka često pravila ovaj kolač, obično sa višanjama kada smo moja porodica i ja odlazili vikendom kod nje u selo. Čim bismo prešli prag kuće mogli smo da osetimo miris sveže pečene pite i vanil šećer, koji je poput gustog belog snega prekrio žuti patišpanj i rumene višnje.... bio je tako neodoljiv da smo svi jedva čekali da završimo ručak, pa da konačno ugrabitmo parče, dva, ili čak tri parčeta čuvenog "žutog kolača".

Ah, stara dobra vremena! :) To je razlog zašto šzo sam želela da podelim sa vama ovaj recept, jer mislim da su najbolji recepti povezani sa našim sećanjima i zaslužuju da budu spaseni od zaborava. Ono što posebno volim u vezi ovog kolača je da se može pripremiti sa gotovo svim voćem, i svaki put je odličan. I da, još moram napomenuti da ostaje svež i mekan nekoliko dana. Zar to nije divno? Nisu li bakini recepti najbolji? :) Kao što možete videti na slici iznad, ja sam napravila i sa jagodama i sa višnjama (kao što je u originalnom receptu), jer sada je sezona jagoda, što je idealno dok višnje ne sazru.

Napišite mi u komentaru ispod, koja je vaša omiljena kombinacija.

Da biste napravili ovaj sjajni voćni kolač potrebno je:

- 5 jaja

- 1 šoljica šećera * 200ml

- 1 šoljica suncokretovog ulja

- 1 čaša jogurta

- 1 kesica praška za pecivo

- 2 šoljice brašna

- 1 kesica vanil šećera

- 500g višanja ili drugog voća po želji

- po želji šećera u prahu


Odvojite žumanca od belanca, a zatim počnite da mutite belanca u dubljem sudu. Nastavite da mutite belanca maksimalnom brzinom sve dok se ne formira čvrst šne. Posle toga umutite žumanca u drugoj posudi sa jogurtom i vanil šećerom. Mutite na srednjoj brzini nekoliko minuta, a zatim konačno dodajte brašno i prašak za pecivo. Dobro promešajte spatulom. Na kraju dodajte umućeni šne od belanaca u posudu sa žumancima, miješajte sve lagano odozdo ka gore, pa dobijenu smesu sipajte u predhodno nauljen pleh posut brašnom. Od gore stavite višnje ili voće po izboru i pecite u predhodno zagrejanoj rernu na 200 stepeni u trajanju od oko 20 minuta, dok ne bude rumena sa svih strana. Nakon pečenja ostaviti da se malo prohladi pa je posuti šećerom u prahu. Prijatno!

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