Tricolore salad - Tricolore salata

As many of you know, I'm living in Rome for more than 4 years now, and I must confess that Italy keeps on inspiring me in many ways...but most of all in my kitchen.
In this case there is a connection with Italian flag, the "tricolore" :) That is the best name for this refreshing and colorful salad, which I've created one day to serve next to a slice of meat and roasted potatoes.
The combination of sour (cream) sweet (potatoes) and salty (black radish) flavors was amazing; since then I've decided to prepare it as often as possible, with or without meat. In fact it goes well as a side dish or just by itself, with a piece of cheese and bread.
Of course the flavors are more Balkan oriented than Mediterranean. I was using vegetables that are not easy to find here in Rome. But when I need to come back to my origins, I can accomplish also impossible missions :)
Anyway, I hope you'll like it and that you'll enjoy as much as I did!!
Let's get prepping:
- A couple of cherry tomatoes
- 2 spring onions
- 2 black radishes - or if you have trouble finding them you can use white beet instead
- 1 medium size cucumber
- a pinch of salt
- a bit of black pepper
- arugula
- a drizzle of olive oil
- 200ml of yogurt or sour cream
Start with peeling the black radishes and then grating them in a bowl.
Add cucumber, cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper and spring onions.
Mix in the yogurt (or sour cream), stir all nicely. In the end add arugula and gently combine all the ingredients.
Sprinkle with olive oil and you're ready to go!

Danas pišem jedan recept inspirisan Italijom, zapravo u ovom slučaju italijanskom zastavom. :)
Kao što mnogi već znate, živim u Rimu više od četiri godine, i moram priznati da me Italija inspiriše na mnogo načina ... ali najviše u mojoj kuhinji. Zato započinjem ovu nedelju receptom ove osvježavajuće i šarene salate, koju sam napravila pre par meseci kao dodatak mesu i pekarskom krompiru. Ova kombinacija kiselo-slatko- slanih ukusa bila je neverovatna, pa sam odlučila da je pripremam češće, sa ili bez mesa.
Ono što želim da kažem jeste da ova salata dobro ide kao prilog ili kao dodatak uz proju ili vruću pogaču.
U svakom slučaju, nadam se da će vam se svideti i da ćete uživati koliko i ja!!
Hajde da pripremimo sastojke:
- Par čeri paradajza
- 2 mlada luka
- 2 crne rotkve ili ako imate problema sa pronalaskom, umesto toga možete koristiti bijelu repu
- 1 srednji krastavac
- prstohvat soli
- malo crnog bibera
- rukola
- malo maslinovog ulja
- 200ml jogurta ili pavlake
Počnite sa ljuštenjem crne rotkve a zatim ih izrendajte u posudu. Dodajte krastavac, paradajz, soli i bibera po ukusu i naseckanog mladog luka. Sipajte jogurt ili pavlaku, sve dobro promešajte.
Na kraju dodajte rukolu pa nežno mešajući sjedinite sve sastojke. Pospite maslinovim uljem i to je sve! :)