Three chocolate mousses cake - Trio mousse torta

Hello everyone! I'm back from my holiday at Cinque Terre - which was amazing - and now I'm able to post this long desired and so much requested recipe.
I've shared the picture of my Three mousse chocolate B-day cake with raspberries, two months ago. Soon after that so many of you have asked for it, and here it is, finally!! I hope you'll like it as much as we did, with three notes before the instructions.
The best thing about it is that, even if it has quite a lot of chocolate, it remains light and airy when you're eating it.
The second thing I love, are the colors!! Everybody will be amazed how did you make this stunning dessert!!
And the least thing is that there's no baking process, which saves a bit of time and energy.
Anyway, making this cake takes a lot of time, precision and patience, because of the various procedures to create it. But trust me, the moment you start enjoying it, you forget about all the previous troubles! Just follow the steps and the exact quantity and I know you'll make it through!! :))
Well now it's time to start writing the recipe, no more talking :)
For the base it's necessary:
- 300g of ground biscuits
- 125g of margarine
- 2 spoons of orange juice
For the dark chocolate mousse it's necessary:
- 150g of dark chocolate
- 120ml of whipping cream
- 160ml of whipping cream *cold, leave it in fridge until you use it
- 1 gelatin
For the milk chocolate mousse it's necessary:
- 150g of milk chocolate
- 120ml of whipping cream
- 160ml of whipping cream *cold, leave it in fridge until you use it
- 1 gelatin
For the raspberry mousse it's necessary:
- 150g of white chocolate
- 150g of raspberries
- 120ml of whipping cream
- 160ml of whipping cream *cold, leave it in fridge until you use it
- 1 gelatin
For decoration:
150g of raspberries
whipping cream
For the base:
Put the butter in a deep bowl, add ground biscuits and a bit of orange juice. Mix all until you form the base of the cake.
Pour the mix in a pan with baking sheet, press it well with the spoon and place in fridge.
For the 1st mousse (dark chocolate):
Pour the whipping cream in a bowl, then add the dark chocolate and melt it on a steam. Leave it aside to cool off completely.
Melt the gelatin with a few spoons of water on a medium heat. Pour the gelatin in chocolate and mix with a spoon.
Whip the cream * until it forms stiff peaks. Carefully add whipped cream in a bowl with melted chocolate. Stir from the bottom to the top with the spatula. Repeat the process until you use all the whipping cream.
When the mousse is ready, take the pan from the fridge and pour it over the base. Level the mousse evenly and place back in fridge.
For the 2nd mousse (raspberry mousse):
Pour the whipping cream in a bowl, then add the white chocolate and melt it on a steam. Leave it aside to cool off completely.
Melt the gelatin with a few spoons of water on a medium heat. Pour the gelatin in white chocolate and mix with a spoon.
Make raspberry puree using a hand blender, then strain through a sieve. Discard the seeds and set aside.
Whip the cream * until it forms stiff peaks.
Add the raspberry puree into the bowl with white chocolate and mix nicely. Carefully add whipped cream in a bowl too. Stir from the bottom to the top with the spatula. Repeat the process until you use all the whipping cream.
When the raspberry mousse is ready, take the pan from the fridge and pour it over the dark chocolate mousse . Level the mousse evenly and place back in fridge.
For the 3rd mousse (milk chocolate):
Pour the whipping cream in a bowl, then add the milk chocolate and melt it on a steam. Leave it aside to cool off completely.
Melt the gelatin with a few spoons of water on a medium heat. Pour the gelatin in chocolate and mix with a spoon.
Whip the cream * until it forms stiff peaks. Carefully add whipped cream in a bowl with melted chocolate. Stir from the bottom to the top with the spatula. Repeat the process until you use all the whipping cream.
After you've created the mousse take the pan from the fridge and pour it over the raspberry mousse . Level the mousse evenly and place back in fridge.
Leave the cake in the fridge for at least a couple of hours to set nicely.
Decorate it as you wish with raspberries and whipping cream. Enjoy!

Pozdrav svima! Nedavno sam se vratila sa fantastičnog odmora iz mesta Cinque Terre, pa sada mogu da se posvetim pisanju i objavi dugo čekanog i mnogo traženog recepta. Pre nepuna dva meseca sam podelila na Instagram profilu sliku torte od tri musa sa malinama, naravno! Ubrzo nakon toga mnogi od vas dragih ljudi su tražili recept, i evo ga konačno!! Nadam se da će vam se svideti koliko i mojim gostima. Pravljenje ove torte zahteva malo više vremena, preciznosti i strpljenja, ali od momenta kada počnete da uživate u njoj, jednostavno zaboravite na sve prethodne probleme i muke prilikom pravljenja torte. Verujte mi!
Samo pratite doslovno korake i tačnu količinu i znam da ćete uspeti! :)) Najbolja stvar kod ove torte je da čak iako ima dosta čokolade ipak ima laganu penastu strukturu dok je jedete. Druga stvar koju volim kod nje su boje!! Svi će se oduševiti njenim izgledom!!
I najvažnija stvar je ta što nema procesa pečenja, što štedi mnogo vremena i energije. Eh sada je vreme da počnem pisati recept, nema više priče :) Za bazu je neophodno: - 300 g Plazma keksa - 125g margarina - 2 kašike soka od pomorandže Za mus od tamne čokolade je potrebno: - 150 g tamne čokolade - 120 ml slatke pavlake - 160ml slatke pavlake * mora da bude hladna - 1 želatin
Za mus od maline potrebno je:
- 150 g bele čokolade
- 150 g malina
- 120 ml slatke pavlake
- 160ml slatke pavlake * mora da bude hladna
- 1 želatin
Za mus od mlečne čokolade potrebno je: -150g mlečne čokolade - 120 ml slatke pavlake - 160ml slatke pavlake* mora da bude hladna - 1 želatin Za dekoraciju: 150 g malina slatka pavlaka Priprema: Za bazu: Stavite maslac u duboku posudu, dodajte mlevenu Plazmu i malo soka od pomorandže.
Sve lepo sjedinite dok ne formirate bazu. Dobijenu mešavinu sipajte u posudu postavljenu papirom za pečenje, dobro pritisnite kašikom i stavite u frižider. Za mus od tamne čokolade: Sipajte slatku pavlaku u posudu, a zatim dodajte tamnu čokoladu i rastopite je na pari. Ostavite je sa strane da se potpuno ohladi. Istopiti želatin sa nekoliko kašika vode na srednjoj vatri. Stavite istopljeni želatin u čokoladu pa promešajte kašikom. Umutite slatku pavlaku * koja je bila u frižideru (160ml) , mutite dok se ne dobije čvrst fil. Pažljivo dodajte umućenu slatku pavlaku u posudu sa istopljenom čokoladom. Pažljivo mešajte od dna ka vrhu sa špatulom. Ponovite postupak dok ne upotrebite preostalu slatku pavlaku. Dobijeni mus sipati preko baze, poravnati i vratiti u frižider. Za mus od malina: Sipajte slatku pavlaku u posudu, a zatim dodajte belu čokoladu i rastopite je na pari. Ostavite je sa strane da se potpuno ohladi. Istopite želatin sa nekoliko kašika vode na srednjoj vatri. Sipajte želatin u istopljenu belu čokoladu i promešajte kašikom. Napravite pire od malina pomoću ručnog miksera, a zatim sve dobro procedite kroz sito. Bacite seme i ostavite sa strane. Umutite slatku pavlaku * koja je bila u frižideru (160ml), mutite dok se ne formira čvrst fil. Dodajte pire od malina u posudu sa belom čokoladom i lepo sve promešajte. Pažljivo dodajte slatku pavlaku u posudu. Pažljivo mešajte od dna ka vrhu sa špatulom. Ponovite postupak dok ne upotrebite preostalu slatku pavlaku. Nakon što ste napravili mus od maline, uzmite kalup iz frižidera i sipajte mus od malina preko musa od tamne čokolade. Ravnomerno poravnajte i vratite u frižider. Za mus od mlečne čokolade: Sipajte slatku pavlaku u posudu, a zatim dodajte mlečnu čokoladu i rastopite je na pari. Ostavite je sa strane da se potpuno ohladi. Istopite želatin sa nekoliko kašika vode na srednjoj vatri. Sipajte želatin u istopljenu mlečnu čokoladu i promešajte kašikom. Umutite slatku pavlaku * koja je bila u frižideru (160ml) , mutite dok se ne formira čvrst fil. Pažljivo dodajte slatku pavlaku u posudu sa istopljenom mlečnom čokoladom. Pažljivo mešajte od dna ka vrhu sa špatulom. Ponovite postupak dok ne upotrebite preostalu slatku pavlaku. Nakon što ste napravili mus, uzmite kalup iz frižidera i sipajte mus od mlečne čokolade preko musa od malina. Ravnomerno poravnajte i vratite kalup u frižider.
Ostavite tortu minimum par sati u frižideru da se dobro stegne.
Od gore ukrasite po želji malinama, slatkom pavlakom i šarom od čokolade. Prijatno!

