American pancakes - Američke palačinke

It may sound strange, but I haven't tried American pancakes before I've moved to Italy. It was common in my family to prepare only the classical ones, which we filled with homemade jam or with
Plazma biscuits and hazelnut spread called Eurokrem.
Much later I've realized there are different types of pancakes such as Dutch pancake or American pancakes. I remember the first time I've ordered them in one of my trips. I liked the airy, spongy consistency and lot's of fruits on top of them.
A few months ago I've decided to make my very first American pancakes to check better why are they so famous all over the world. I didn't know what to expect, I only knew they should be thicker, puffier and smaller than the classical pancakes we ate.
The result was really good: I really liked their airy texture and the combination of honey and fresh fruit. Even the way you eat these beauties was completely opposite: it's like cutting small tower of pancakes topped with all the goodies, instead of rolling and eating it one by one with jam or Nutella.
It was a completely different experience and I loved it!!
That's why I'm sharing the recipe, if you want to try other type of pancakes. There are a few ways to prepare them, but here is the most simple one I've found on the Internet. In some other post I'll write other different recipes.
Sit back and enjoy the ride ;)
It's necessary (one portion):
- 1 cup of flour (100g)
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 vanilla pod
- 1 package of baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- a pinch of baking soda
- as much as you want fruit
- a drizzle of honey or maple syrup
- a bit of sunflower oil
Mix the egg with sugar and vanilla sugar, then add milk and salt to taste.
Mix well using a whisk, and finally add flour, baking soda and baking powder. Mix all together and leave it a couple of minutes on a side. In a heated pan, previously greased with a drizzle of oil, pour in a ladle of the mixture and bake it on a medium heat until you see the bubbles on the surface.
Turn the pancake on the other side and bake it a few more minutes. After baking, place them on a kitchen paper to absorb the excess of oil. Put the honey or maple syrup over the pancakes and finish with topping them with fresh fruit.
Bonus tip: My recommendation is to bake one pancake at a time, or two smaller pancakes at once.

Možda će vam zvučati čudno, ali ja nisam probala američke palačinke sve dok se nisam preselila u Italiju. U mojoj porodici bilo je uobičajeno da se pripremaju samo klasične palačinke, sa domaćim džemom od kajsija i šljiva ili pak sa Plazma keksom i Eurokremom. Mnogo kasnije sam uvidela da postoje različite vrste palačinki kao što su holandska palačinka ili američke palačinke. Sećam se prvog puta kada sam ih probala na jednom od mojih putovanja. Svidela mi se vazdušasta struktura i mnogo voća i javorovog sirupa od gore-možda čak i previše za moj ukus, ali moram priznati da je dobar spoj. Pre nekoliko meseci sam odlučila da napravim svoje prve američke palačinke. Nisam znala šta da očekujem, znala sam samo da bi trebale biti deblje, vazdušaste i manje od klasičnih palačinki. Rezultat je bio stvarno dobar: stvarno mi se dopala njihova tekstura i kombinacija meda i svežeg voća. Zato bih volela da podelim sa vama recept koji sam pronašla na internetu, ako želite probati još jednu vrstu palačinki. Ovo je samo jedan od načina da ih napravite, po meni najjednostavniji.
Ostale varijante ću postaviti u nekom od narednih postova. :)
Potrebno je (jedna porcija): - 1 šolja brašna (100 g) - 1/2 šolje šećera - 1 jaje - 1 šolja mleka - 1 vanil šećer - 1 prašk za pecivo - prstohvat soli - na vrh kašičice sode bikarbone - koliko god želite voća - po ukusu meda ili javorjevog sirupa - malo suncokretovog ulja
Priprema: Umutite žicom jaje sa šećerom i vanil šećerom, pa zatim dodajte mleko i so po ukusu. Nakon što ste sve lepo sjedinili na kraju dodajte brašno, bikarnbonu i prašak za pecivo. Sve dobro umutite i ostavite par minuta da odstoji. U zagrejanom tiganju sasipati po jednu kutlaču smese, pecite dok se ne počnu stvarati mehuriči. Okrenite palačinku i pecite još koji minut sa druge strane.
Nakon pečenja, stavite ih na kuhinjski ubrus kako bi palačinke upile višak ulja.
Na kraju prelijte medom ili bilo kojim prelivom po vašem ukusu i od gore dodajte voće po izboru. Savet: Moja preporuka je da pečete jednu po jednu palačinku, ili maksimum dve manje istovremeno.

