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Suppli - Supli

Dear friends, long time no seen! With all the holidays and my new job I've kinda remained without spare time. I'm sorry that now I do not post as regularly as before, but I'll try to get better and dedicate at least my weekend for writing new recipes. That is one of my New year's decisions - BE MORE PRESENT HERE. :)

The first recipe that I want to share with you is Italian "Supplì al telefono". In case you're wandering was is it, here is the explanation.

Supplì are a common street-food, rice balls filled with mozzarella, usually eaten with hands: when one is broken in two pieces, the mozzarella becomes drawn out in a string somewhat resembling the cord connecting a telephone handset to the hook. This has led that this dish is being known as "al telefono", at phone.

Have you ever tried it before? Or is this the first time to hear of this appetizer?

Either way, stay tuned to discover how to make it at home for your family.

Here is what you need:

- 200 g of rice (Arborio or Carnaroli, the best type for risotto)

- 150 g of tomato sauce

- 80g of minced meat * in the original recipe, but it's not always necessary

- salt

- black pepper

- 1 mozzarella

- bread crumbs

- sunflower oil for frying

- a bit of broth

- 2 eggs


Cook the rice. The best way is in the pan, with the broth. When it's half cooked, add tomato sauce and leave it on a medium fire until it's *al dente. After it has cooled down, place it in a plastic box and put in the fridge. Leave it during the night.

They day after, the cooked rice will be a bit sticky, and it will help you to form balls that will not separate easily. Start forming the first rice ball, then put a little piece of mozzarella inside, and close the ball with a bit more of rice. Place the done supplì on the wooden board.

Beat the eggs and put the bread crumbs in another plate. First put the suppli in eggs, then in bread crumbs. After this, repeat the steps again for better results - so again pass them in eggs and finally in bread crumbs. Be sure that it is covered nicely or otherwise it could get burnt while you're frying them.

Heat the oil and set it on the medium fire, then fry them until they are nice and golden from the outside and soft and melting on the inside.

Place the supplì on the cooking paper to absorb the rest of the oil.

Eat them right away, while they are still hot . This way for sure you'll have the phone effect with mozzarella. :)


Dragi prijatelji, dugo se nismo videli!! Sa svim predhodnim praznicima i mojim novim poslom, nekako sam ostala bez slobodnog vremena koje sam do nedavno uvek posvećivala blogu i pravljenju novih recepata. Žao mi je što sada ne objavljujem redovno kao ranije, ali ću pokušati da se bolje organizujem. To je jedna od mojih novogodišnjih odluka - BITI VIŠE PRISUTNA OVDE. :) Ok, prvi recept koji želim da podelim sa vama je Italianski Suppli al telefono. U slučaju da se pitate šta je to, evo objašnjenja. U pitanju su tzv. ćuftice od pirinča punjene mocarelom, obično se jedu prstima: kada se jedan prelomi na pola, mozzarella se tegli u obliku telefonske žice koja povezuje telefonsku slušalicu sa telefonom.

Da li ste ga ikad probali? Ili je ovo prvi put da čujete za ovu vrstu predjela? U svakom slučaju, budite spremni da otkrijete kako ga možete spremiti kod kuće za svoju porodicu.

Evo šta vam treba: - 200 g pirinča (najbolji tip za rižoto) - 150 g paradajz sosa - 80 g mlevenog mesa * Ovo je u originalnom receptu, ali nije potrebno dodavati meso uvek - so - crni biber - 1 mozzarella - prezle - suncokretovo ulje za prženje - malo supe - 2 jaja

Priprema: Kuvajte pirinač u malo supe, a zatim dodajte sos od paradajza i ostavite na srednjoj vatri sve dok se ne skuva * al dente. Nakon što se ohladi, stavite ga u plastičnu kutiju i stavite u frižider. Ostavite ga tokom noći. Sutra uzmite kutiju sa kuvanim pirinčem - malo će biti lepljiv, ali to će vam pomoći da formirate ćufte koje se neće lako odvajati. Započnite da pravite suppli, a zatim stavite komad mocarele unutra, i zatvorite je sa još malo više pirinča. Ulupajte jaja i sipajte prezle u drugi tanjir. Prvo stavite gotov suppli u jaja, a zatim u prezle.

Posle ovoga ponovite korake za bolji rezultat - ponovo ih stavite u jaja i konačno u prezle.

Veoma je važno da je suppli lepo pokriven prezlom, jer u suprotnom može zagoreti dok ih pržite. Zagrejte ulje i postavite ga na srednju vatru, a zatim pržite dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju i ne postanu mekani iznutra. Na kraju položite suppli na papir kako bi apsorbovao ostatak ulja. Jedite ih odmah, dok su još vrući. Na ovaj način ćete imati efekat telefonske slušalice sa mozzarella sirom. :)

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