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Colourful breakfast- Šareni doručak

How many times did it happen to wake up, wanting to make something tasty for breakfast, and you only had a few things in the fridge? Nothing to worry about, because here's one way to make a gourmet meal with just a couple of ingredients. The idea of using ​​the phyllo dough as the base was pure coincidence, because I've made the pie the previous day and three sheets of them remained, starting to dry. Then I connected two and two and decided to join them with some bacon, a little bit of cheese, some eggs -and there it was a great breakfast! If you like the idea, and you are looking for some quick solution in the kitchen then read the recipe below :)

Necessary Ingredients: -a couple of sheets of phylo dough or if you do not have it you can use puff pastry or a toast of bread instead -10 pieces of bacon thinly cut -60g of grated cheese of your choice - A pinch of salt -6 eggs - If you wish, you can add a spring onion, or pepper, whatever you have in the refrigerator;)

Preparation: In a muffin pan in which you've previously put a bit of oil put 4 or 5 sheets of phyllo dough or a piece of toast/ puff pastry cut into squares. Then put the bacon, grate the cheese, spice it on your choice and bake at 200 degrees. At the very end, when they are almost baked, add one egg in each muffin and bake for another 10 min. When they're done serve immediately with a glass of yogurt. Enjoy!


Koliko puta vam se desilo da se probudite, i želite da napravite nešto ukusno za doručak a u frižideru imate samo par namirnica? Ništa strašno, jer evo jednog načina da napravite gurmanski obrok sa samo par sastojaka.

Ideja sa korama za pitu je nastala sasvim slučajno, jer sam predhodni dan pravila savijaču i ostale su mi tri kore koje su počele da se suše. I onda sam povezala dva i dva i odlučila da im pridružim malo slanine, malo sira, koje jaje i eto super doručka.

Ako vam se dopada ideja, i tražite neko brzo rešenje u kuhinji onda trk na recept ispod :)

Potrebni sastojci:

-par kora za pitu, ili ako nemate kore pri ruci možete koristiti lisnato testo ili pak tost hleb

-10ak lenti slanine tanko sečene

-60g narendanog sira po izboru

-malo soli

-ulja po potrebi

-6 jaja

-po želji možete dodati i malo mladog luka ili paprike, uostalom šta god imate u frižideru ;)


U pleh za mafine koji ste predhodno pouljili redjati kore iseckane na kvadratiće, od prilike po 4 ili 5 kvadrata za jednu korpicu. Zatim ređati lente slanine , pa dodati sir, začine po želji i staviti da se zapeče. Na samom kraju,kad su skoro pečeni dodati po jedno jaje u svaku korpicu i zapeći jos 10ak min. Peći na 200C, dok ne porumene lepo, pa i služiti odmah uz prilog po želji ili uz čašu jogurta.


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