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Puff pastry cherry bars - Štanglice sa višnjama

Puff pastry bars filled with cherries, sprinkled with icing sugar ... Crispy, sour and sweet, gone in a blink of an eye. Beautiful and very tasty. Is it enough to interest you? ;)

I like making my own pastry, but since I do not have much free time lately I make these beauties with the store bought pastry. It's very important in my family to have something homemade on the table at least for Sunday lunch. My mum is a person I look up to so much, so I continued this tradition even here in Rome.

What I love about this dessert are two things:

First, you can fill it with any kind of seasonal fruit there is. Second, it won't take you much time to make it, and you'll have a nice sweet to enjoy in.

This can be also one of those recipes to pull out of your sleeve any time you have unexpected guests. You know what I mean, right? :)

That's it folks, now it's time to get busy! Choose the fruit you want and have fun making these bars.

Here is what you need:

-1 package of puff pastry


-a bit of sugar

-1 egg

-icing sugar, optional


First extend the puff pastry as long as it's possible, and then cut the equal stripes (2,5cm). I've got 6 bars out of one puff pastry sheet. Put the cherries on the half of the stripes and then sprinkle them with some sugar. On the surface of the other 6 stripes make small diagonal cuts and then carefully place them over the cherries. Press with fingers first and then use the fork to close it properly. In the end brush the bars with the egg and put in the preheated oven on 200 degrees. Bake until they're golden and crispy. If you want, you can sprinkle them with the icing sugar on top. Enjoy!


Štanglice od lisnatog testa punjene višnjama, posute šećerom u prahu.. Hrskave, kiselo- slatko, nestale ​​za tren oka. Da li je dovoljno da vas zainteresuje? ;) Ja volim da pravim lisnato testo, ali pošto nemam puno slobodnog vremena, kad poželim da napravim ove lepotice koristim kupovno testo. U mojoj porodici je večito bilo kao neko nepisano pravilo da makar posle nedeljnog ručka mora biti neki domaći slatkiš. Moja mama je osoba na koju se ugledam, pa sam tako nastavila tradiciju čak i u Rimu. Ono šta volim kod ovog dezerta su dve stvari: Prvo, možete ga napuniti bilo kojim sezonskim voćem. Drugo, neće vam trebati puno vremena da ga napravite, pa ćete moći odmah da uživate. Ovo takođe može biti jedan od onih recepata koji možete izvući iz šešira svaki put kada imate nepozvane goste. Znate dobro na šta mislim, zar ne? :)

Ako vam se dopada kako zvuči, evo recepta.

Evo šta vam treba: -1 pakovanje gotovog lisnatog testa -višnje -malo šećera -1 jaje - šećer u prahu, nije neophodno

Priprema: Prvo razvucite lisnato testo što je više moguće, a zatim ga isecite na jednake trake (2,5cm).

Stavite višnje na lisnato testo pa pospite šećerom. Na površini ostalih traka napravite male dijagonalne rezove i pažljivo ih postavite preko višanja. Prvo pritisnite prstima, a zatim koristite viljušku da biste pravilno zatvorili štanglicu. Na kraju, premažite štanglice jajetom i stavite ih u zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni. Pecite dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju. Ako želite, možete ih posuti šećerom u prahu. Prijatno!

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